Purchineering as Driver of Innovation
As agility and digitalization progresses, for purchasers beyond cost cutting another competence is moving to the fore: the stronger internal and, on a case-by-case basis, external networking of purchasing to generate added value as a knowledge carrier and knowledge communicator. In close collaboration with the development department and other corporate functions, the purchasing function merges into a value driver through purchineering.
Your Advantages Through This Service at a Glance:
- We position your procurement function as a strategic knowledge manager and partner for all other operational and research/development areas and units within the company.
- In this way, we allocate strategically relevant knowledge in your company to enable a precisely tailored value stream of knowledge, information and material 'end-to-end' (not only 'buy where?' but more 'buy what?').
- Beyond improving the process, we develop purchasers on a personal level into innovation partners in your company, for example in the dimensions of communication, pro-active networking, presentation, and leadership.
- Procurement becomes an institutionalized and not just opportunistic or random innovation partner – if needed also externally partnering with suppliers, as a participator or even co-driver of innovation networks.
- The new purchasing order is no longer just ‘best sourcing’ in the sense of minimizing costs or risks; it is ‘best concept’ in the sense of a genuine project partnership and meticulous overall product planning through to pro-active delivery.
- Purchasing acts permanently as a value-added partner at eye level - at level 5.0 - and no longer just as a cost optimizer or executing procurer.