Lectures on "Leadership + Communication"

With Acornpark Research @ IU, Campus Dortmund, we explore the latest findings on leadership and innovation through research and teaching. As a lecturer for Leadership and Business Communication at the IU, our Managing Partner Dr. Thorsten Knobbe takes on the academic tasks and idea generation with students and, on a case-by-case basis, other partners.

As the largest university of applied sciences in Germany, IU explores a uniquely wide spectrum of fields of interest within our focus topics. In addition, the IU offers us quicker access to relevant application partners, either directly or through its reputation.

Thus, with Acornpark Research @ IU, Campus Dortmund, we place particular emphasis on the practical relevance of our findings and academic work results. Therefore, our publications aim at spreading applicable knowledge and tangible inspiration while our readers are entrepreneurs, top managers, leaders and many others.

What can we do for your organization?

Are you interested in starting a joint research project with us? Or would you like to learn more about specific leadership methods, tools or programmes with respect to your company?

Get in touch with us here

Projects | Scripts | Research Results

Denk- und Thesenpapiere | Memorandums & Scripts – 2

Egon Zehnder: A short look behind the scenes of a global top-5 executive search & leadership advisory firm.

Edition from 30 Januar 2024

Denk- und Thesenpapiere | Memorandums & Scripts – 1

SAP: Besprechung des geplanten neuen Mitarbeiter-Beurteilungssystems.

Edition from 15 December 2023

With the Business English for Tourism Management seminar in the summer semester 2023, the first concept on package tours for roller coaster fans was developed. This market segment is highly specialised and thus represents a niche, but one that can be quite attractive. The seminar project was supported by Mack Rides.

Download Concept