Executive Partner, Managing Director
Dr. phil., Performance Enablement Coach (Betterworks), Scrum Master (Scrum.org)
Thorsten Knobbe is co-founder and Managing Director of Acornpark Experts GmbH & Co KG and the founder of the TK Leaderspoint Group. Since 2023 he has been appointed to adjunct professor of leadership at the IU, Campus Dortmund.
He heads the practices of Leadership Consulting and Career Management, Executive Enablement, Talent Management as well as Change Management. He is particularly interested in research on "people in working life". His consulting experience primarily includes change projects at the process and personnel level, including many technical companies in the automotive, mechanical engineering and plant construction industries as well as technical service providers.
He is also Managing Partner of TK Leaderspoint Group and a digital pioneer as founder of Leaderspoint.de in 1999. He has authored numerous books as well as other publications on career and human resources topics, including in Harvard Business Manager. Since 2023, he has been an adjunct professor of leadership at the IU, Dortmund campus, where he maintains the Acornpark research acrivities and is editor of the bilingual journal Denk- und Thesenpapiere/Memorandums & Scripts (DTMS).
Career: Senior Advisor with a coaching focus at Arthur D. Little; PMM (Peat Marwick Mitchell) Management Consultants GmbH Düsseldorf office, at the time a global recruitment consultancy associated with KPMG. Trainee program and quality management assistant at Rockhi Fasteners.
Education: Performance Enablement Coach (Betterworks); Betterworks OKR Master (endorsed by John Doerr); Professional Scrum Master I, Scrum.org/Ken Schwaber; Doctorate (Dr. phil.) in communication sciences, University of Siegen; Second State Examination at a study seminar for vocational colleges (Hagen/NRW); First State Examination after studying languages, business administration, didactics and educational psychology, University of Siegen and Aston University.