The Lean Organization 4.0

How customer-centric, effective and flexible does your organization align with corporate strategic plans and core processes? How agile can your team react to change and create solutions? How lean, value-added and at the same time dynamic is the teamwork between your executives and specialists organized? How well are information and decision making processes supported at strategic and technical interfaces?

Overview of Your Main Advantages:

  • Implementation of an organization that effectively integrates diverse work modes, from agile and linear to on-campus and from home.
  • Accelerated results on product and decision taking level.
  • Less planning focus, more action focus.
  • Management processes that are customer-centric, dynamic and value adding – your company performance improves long term.
  • Enlivened culture, which manages processes with rigorous efficiency and effectiveness – your organization will become a difficult to copy competitive advantage.
  • Clear responsibilities, minimized risks, optimal decision making processes.
  • Optimized process costs.
  • Sustained improvement of leadership performance and dynamism in the new organization.

Flexible Organizations Create Value, Static Ones Are Wasteful

As customer excellence is key to corporate success and requires agile interaction, company organization must align. Where no optimal organization exists, on-time, high quality results or data delivery cannot be expected. Neither will arrive new creative impetus for the future of the business, or related action will be taken too late.

There are many reasons for not-aligned organizations:

---> Results of mergers, takeovers or spin-offs (M&A, carve outs)

---> Advances in technologie: digitization, IoT / Industry 4.0, multichannel CRM etc.

---> Inflexible and/or centralized rules and organizational diagrams

---> Outdated or inadequate organizational models

---> Focus on comprehensive planning and meticulous implementation

---> Long development and decision taking cycles

---> Unfavorable allocation of qualified employees

... plus, in individual cases, additional reasons can always be found. Organizations are like living organisms, which need to be cared for. This care often declines during day to day business life.

Grasp Strategy and Corporate Situation

There is no patent recipe for the optimal organization as such but there is for cause variables. Before processes and organizational forms can be evaluated, strategy and company situation have to be clarified. Will there be major expansion or restructuring or consolidation? Is outsourcing or in-sourcing an aim? Will there be a takeover or spin-off? Will business be further internationalized or will there be focus on known core markets? Each optimal solution arises from the company’s individual situation!

Process Layout Determines Organization – Not Vice Versa

Precise analysis reveals it all too often: The organization is not or no longer aligned with the company process it should actually be serving in optimal way. There is also the occasional mindset which believes processes should be oriented towards organizational charts. We have experienced the opposite with the exception of a few specific government bodies. The process appears first then organizational design – process organization determines development organization.


An organization only has a healthy level of leanness and added value together, if it is optimally aligned with the equally designed process.

Successful Client Orientation: Effort and Value Added in Perspective

We analyze and assess the underlying process and derivable options for a new organization with a special method: The management review. This method not only considers and estimates not only economic aspects but the human factor as well. In addition to controlling key indicators and direct costs as well as efficiency, the value added impact of management actions (risk, effectiveness) and communication parameters are determined, weighed and assessed. Obscured factors will be made visible; even cost factors can be allocated to value added factors, thus becoming truly assessable.

This result is basis for creating a lean and customer-orientated organization. As the key stakeholders are involved right from the start, their positive attitude and buy-in is almost guaranteed.

Sustained and Active Implementation: Building Capabilities for New Roles

New organizations mean new requirements for executives and many employees, someteimes even completely new roles. Change projects mainly fail due to a lack of communication, its generated passiveness or even staff opposition and ill-qualified executives. This is why we focus on where action qualification is required in order to help design the new course of action successfully.


We qualify the involved protagonists at all relevant hierarchical levels so they can function confidently and in a targeted manner in the new organization. This requires concentrating on leadership behavior during and after the change process. Executives and specialists are instructed on a range of topics from giving initial presentation and leading key meetings to giving constant feedback and resolve conflicts, based on need.

Pertinent situations are simulated and trained – both personally and utilizing Leaderspoint®-Learning, our fast-effective multimedia learning tool. All protagonists modify their behavior, become qualified and eventually act confidently and create value without support. The multi-dimensional and individual related phase guarantees successful project completion and a long-term enlivened organization. Your corporate culture will become your competitive advantage and, even more, difficult for your competitors to copy.

Change Accompaniment from Start to Completion


We will provide direct client support during the entire strategic initiative. This includes project supervision, reflection and giving the protagonists additional impetus: As a partner, counterbalance and expert.