VISCARO™: Superfast Training and Qualification

Customer excellence requires utmost professionalism when interacting with the customer. Externally as well as internally. On traditional and digital channels.

This is why constantly available and rapidly effective support of your team is decisive to success. Using VISCARO™, tailored assistance and qualification are ensured online in an efficient, individual and flexible manner at attractive rates: As a blended learning solution or management help desk during the average working day – on all digital and mobile end-user devices. Each subject and skill is presented as a SPOC (= small/specialized private online course) and can therefore be acquired easily and rapidly.

With VISCARO™ you also support attendance-based measures for training and coaching through web-based usage and significantly increase effectiveness long-term.

Rapid learning, hands-on impetus

  • Clear focus on the practice-oriented essence of subject, immediate applicability
  • Sustained stimuli, refresher training and updating through the newest case studies, tips and action-oriented real life management cases (VISCARO™ Impulse Run)
[VISCARO™ E-Learning with individually selected web cards]

Package programs – standardized or individualized

  • Leadership Excellence
  • Management Excellence
  • .. and any individual topic according to your needs
[SPOCs of web cards with concise design and content]

Contents presented in easy action steps

  • Maximum 15 steps per SPOC to complete competence and 3 steps for a quick refresher 
  • Each step is one action unit, concisely designed as one card (web based or hard copy) 
  • All contents can be coordinated with your team
[Individual action card set which can be enhanced by personal notes]

Video messages, performance tests and coaching

  • Concise, individual and personalized videos for review if needed
  • Playful performance and knowledge tests
  • Personalized method (coaching, training, workshop) for individual support can be booked at any time
[Lasting effect: playful test with the VISCARO™ quiz function]

Our integrated services spanning the full range of VISCARO™ topics are unique and enable a completely new customer experience resulting in customer excellence. Please contact us here for any further requests >>