OKR Maturity Analysis: How Fit is Your Organization
By means of a targeted and systematic as-is analysis within our OKR consulting, you will receive a basis for decision-making regarding the introduction of OKR. We map the criteria of John Doerr to your organization in order to obtain the optimal results. In this way, we ensure that you start your OKR project exactly where you will achieve the greatest effect and become operational most quickly.
Guiding Questions of Our OKR Maturity Analysis
- Do the company goals match the vision, mission and values of the strategic planning?
- How well is the implementation of goals working in your organization?
- Do you have too many internal projects and initiatives that urgently need to be prioritized?
- What effect does the incentive and compensation system have on the achievement of corporate goals?
- Is your existing goal system based on traditional goal cascading or already on agile goal management?
- Do corporate culture and mindset enable the change to a learning organization?
- What contribution does IT make to performance management?
- Does the implementation of a pilot project already make sense or do further measures need to be taken - if so, which ones?